Thursday, March 17, 2011

A New Roman Missal

Catholics expect some changes to the words in the liturgy from time to time. But they will soon be using the first Mass texts since the Second Vatican Council that have been created according to a different theory of translation. The revision will have a noticeable effect on the style and sound of the texts of the Mass. Click here to read more from his America magazine article about the upcoming changes in the Mass.

The link:

Fr. Paul Turner will be coming to Holy Family on Tuesday, April 5 to reflect on new translation of the Roman Missal. Click here to register. (Same program Day or Evening)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Miracle of Now

Many of us, perhaps most, do not live in the present moment. Our busy lives, our tight schedules, keep us focused on the next event, the next project. When we have rare "free" moments, our minds frequently reflect on what was not done well enough in the past. We then engage in remorse or guilt. Free moments may also be consumed in preparing ourselves for the next thing on our "to do" list, reflecting on when and how to accomplish a new piece of our agenda.

This habitual manner of dealing with life's very precious gift - TIME - leaves us little energy or opportunity to attend to the details, or, indeed, the richness of the PRESENT MOMENT.

There is another way to live. ....FULLY - IN EACH MOMENT - in whatever way and whenever it occurs. This is a true that is often hard come by - especially in today's modern, fast paced world. This manner of living is referred to by many as MINDFUL LIVING, a way of life that some medical professionals credit with good health. A valuable and well documented way of becoming mindful is to engage in two practices: SILENCE, not only of speech but also of imagination and emotions and MEDITATION - "focus" on exactly what is occuring right here, right now.
Silence and Meditation are two tools well known to mystics of all traditions, tools available to each of us and tools which hold the practitioner in the SACRED PRESENCE of GOD.

A Mindfulness Retreat such as the one we will have in early April is an opportunity to let go of engagement with the past or future and live deeply for a few hours in the MIRACLE of each BREATH, each moment - the MIRACLE of NOW. We will do this with the support of teachers who have been following this path for many years and with others of like mind. This weekend will offer the opportunity to become grounded in each moment as it presents itself. Its atmosphere will be one of quiet with the opportunity to do sitting or walking meditation, gentle stretching exercises, reading or journaling. Short talks will be given by the teachers introducing participants to the use of the BREATH as a way to live in or return to the present moment. They will suggest ways to eat and drink more mindfully and to simply enjoy the sights and sounds around us in the PRESENT MOMENT. There will be time for questions as well as a brief opportunity for those who wish to share individual concerns with the teachers.

The practice of mindfulness helps us to be present to our own lives - here and now. Rabbi Abraham Heschel reminds us, "Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy." Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh tells us, "The miracle is not to walk on water but on the earth." Jesus Christ taught,
"The Kingdom of God is within you." These are all invitations to see life for what it is, to slow down and become deeply aware of the choices we are making. These are invitations to live in a more wise, more peaceful, more compassionate see each moment of our life for what it is - WONDERFUL.

By Pat Plouffe St. Onge
Mindful Meditation Weekend with Pat & Tim St. Onge