Friday, July 27, 2012

A Season of Promise Invitation from Fr. David Cinquegrani

Dear Friends,

On my way to the funeral of a beloved retreatant my cell phone began to ring. When I arrived at the church I checked my voice mail. There was a joyful message from another retreatant about the birth of twin grandchildren that very morning. Later on, the same day, we welcomed 75 teenagers to Holy Family for a weekend retreat. The cycle of life, I was reminded, is ongoing and natural but, at the same time, difficult and relentless. Our lives change every day, sometimes without warning. In the Hebrew Scriptures we remember the sage words: “For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heavens.”

The practical wisdom of the Book of Ecclesiastes and the natural rhythm of the four seasons provide insight into how we can grow in resilience, cultivate peace, and learn to trust the ancient promise—that no matter how life may challenge us and regardless of where our journey takes us, God will be present, stirring us to growth, love, and newness of life.

As we reflect on the very compelling theme from last season, “The Courage to Hope” we remember that courage is not the absence of fear, it is the presence of fear with the willingness to face it. This year we will pay attention to the ways in which we can remain grounded in the promise of God’s presence, throughout every season of our lives. “A Season of Promise” reminds us that each person has the potential to grow and flourish throughout the seasons of life but within each season there can be moments of joy, contentment, and peace amid the swirling questions and uncertainty that may arise.

I am thrilled to introduce this theme, “A Season of Promise” chosen by our Retreat Team. And no matter what season you choose for your retreat, our promise is for peace, healing and care on the sacred ground that is Holy Family Retreat Center.

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