Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Acceptance by Cheryl Jones

'Acceptance' Helps Reduce Stress

The truth is that life is full of surprises both good and bad, right? Things happen that we can't control and can rarely anticipate. This sometimes causes great stress and pain.

Acceptance is about seeing things as they are in the present moment whether we like it or not.

The reality is that aside from catastrophe or crisis, we typically deplete our energies resisting or denying what is already fact. Our resistance to 'what is' causes us great stress and tension. In addition, it creates a barrier to change.

When I'm in the midst of a negative situation, the last thing I want to do is accept it. But the truth is that denying it or resisting it will only make things worse. "It is what it is" so to speak.

When we talk about acceptance, we're not talking about being passive. In other words, I'm not suggesting that you accept the unacceptable. I'm asking that you accept the negativity in the moment without judging it.

When I'm in the midst of a negative situation, I pay attention to my breathing. I notice the thoughts that are going through my mind. I'm aware of any strong emotions. I notice sensations in my body. I keep paying attention to my breathing to stay calm.I accept that whatever is happening in this moment is my reality. 

The best I can do is to see it clearly and then choose my response.

Cheryl will be presenting a Fall Labyrinth Day Retreat for Women on Saturday, October 20th.

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